International Women’s Day 2023

At Morrish, we aim to be a truly inclusive law firm, where all our partners, employees and clients can fulfil their potential and where we can celebrate the achievements of women in all aspects of life and work in the UK and across the globe. International Women’s Day is a collective day for a call for gender equality as well as a day for celebration. It is also a day to remember the women who can be disproportionality affected during times of instability, including the war in Ukraine. We are proud to support it.

Collectively we can all #EmbraceEquity.

We’ve spoken to some of our team about what International Women’s Day means to them.

Lucy Wilson, Graduate Solicitor Apprentice

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
International Women’s Day to me is a celebration of the challenges that previous generations of women have overcome, but also highlights the barriers we still face and both empowers this generation and future generations to continue the fight for gender equality. It also educates and involves men in understanding our struggles and contributing to our fair inclusion in the workplace, despite our differences.

What advice would you offer women entering the legal sector?
My advice to other women wanting to pursue a career in law is to truly believe you can do anything you set your heart to. Take advantage of barriers that women have to overcome to be a successful leader as a lawyer. Navigating unconscious bias may seem frustrating at first but by setting firm goals, having a thorough understanding of where you want your career path to go, and being confident will hone in on the vital skills needed to become a leader.

I would also advise any woman to always be authentic, do not feel that you need to fit in, or adapt a more male attitude to succeed, be proud to be a woman and possess the diverse and resilient qualities that you have, and aim to actively encourage and inspire other women.

Which women have inspired you in your own life?
The woman that has inspired me most in my own life is my mother. After the birth of myself and my sister she decided to undertake a part-time university degree to enable her to become a teacher and have a more flexible work life balance to raise children. She also became the first woman in our family to attend university.

Growing up and seeing my mother work full-time, raise two children, and study on evenings for six years in order to better herself was a massive positive influence which shaped my own drive to always aim high, achieve as much as I can, and fully appreciate that despite the great challenges we may face we can always achieve what we want with hard work, resilience and determination.

Anna Sari, Partner & Head of Medical Negligence

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
As a mum of two young boys having recently returned to the workplace from maternity leave, working mums should be recognised and celebrated on International Women’s Day.

I didn’t want to put my career on hold to have children but I knew it would be difficult to balance the two priorities, essentially working two full time jobs, dealing with constant ‘mum guilt’ and not letting the self-doubt creep in to undermine your confidence.

I am grateful to be in a supportive and flexible workplace that allows me to find my balance and continue to succeed in my career.

What advice would you offer women entering the legal sector?
Have confidence in your own ability and constantly look out for opportunities for growth.

Which women have inspired you in your own life?
My mum.  As a single parent she brought up two young children whilst studying to become a teacher.  Without my mum, I wouldn’t be where I am today. She taught me how to be independent and believe in myself.

Noelle Heath, Partner & Head of Family Law

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
IWD is an opportunity to celebrate women’s achievements across the world but also to highlight the power of collective action by all to drive the progress towards gender equality and empowerment.

What advice would you offer women entering the legal sector?
The law may have historically been seen as a male dominated environment but that is not the case these day in terms of women entering the legal profession . However 65% of all  senior roles in the profession are still held by men . The advice I would give to any woman entering the profession now would be to have confidence in your abilities, take advantage of opportunities to improve your skills , value your work life balance and aim for those senior roles.

Which women have inspired you in your own life?
Serena Williams . I’m a huge tennis fan and I’ve watched her grow up over the years . As well as her amazing ability as a tennis player I have been hugely impressed with the way she has been so vocal about the need for gender pay equality and racial equality. She is also very supportive of women’s charities to include projects that support victims of domestic abuse and to improve pre and post birth care for new mothers and babies.

Abbie Kemp, Personal Injury Legal Assistant

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
It is a day where women can be appreciated, celebrated and remembered for all of the amazing achievements they have made, no matter how big or small.

What advice would you offer women entering the legal sector?
Go for it! I am 22 and I remember when I was 17 applying for universities I did not think I would be able to pursue Law and enter the legal sector. With the support of strong women around me (family, friends, teachers) I took the jump and I applied and I got in! When I completed my degree I was eager to get into the legal sector and when I was 21 I started at Morrish Solicitors. It is an amazing firm to work for and I’m so happy that I took the route I did when I was 17. Do not be scared and go for it. It is very rewarding and even though on the face of it, it seems like a male dominated field, it is actually very inclusive and rewarding.

Which women have inspired you in your own life?
I have been inspired by many great women in my life but when talking specifically about my journey into Law, I must say my Mum, Melissa, and my best friend, Ashleigh, have had the biggest impacts on me. My mum has always been a hard worker and always pushed and believed in me to achieve whatever I wanted. She is the reason I work so hard and have achieved many goals. My best friend, Ashleigh,  is a paralegal at a law firm, SJP Law, she is currently studying for her LPC and she also runs a side business selling digital planners for at Digital Noggin on Etsy. Having another woman to share my legal journey with and watching her achieve great things within her career and side business is so inspiring. I am forever thankful for the strong, inspiring women I have in my life and I hope I can be that same strong inspiring woman for someone one day too.

Tracy Baddeley, Secretary, Clinical Negligence 

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
Its great to see women are being recognised and particularly efforts made to make women more inclusive in all workplaces not just gender typical roles – having a 19 year old daughter this positive approach to gender equality is fantastic.

What advice would you offer women entering the legal sector?
I feel the legal sector is welcoming to women, working in the Clinical Negligence Department the whole team are women – I think that speaks for itself!

Which women have inspired you in your own life?
My Grandma inspired me – she was hardworking, had good values and was a force to be reckoned with!

Erin Garnham, Trainee Solicitor

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
International Women’s day means a day of celebrating all women from all different walks of life

What advice would you offer women entering the legal sector?
There are a lot of women in senior positions in the legal sector, take every opportunity to learn from them!

Which women have inspired you in your own life?
My twin sister who has recently qualified as a scientist and all of the talented women I work alongside at Morrish.